"Excellence in Education, Excellence in Life."

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Welcome to Purna Vidya Bhavan,

Where education goes beyond textbooks, and learning extends to every facet of life. Our institution stands as a beacon of academic excellence, committed to nurturing individuals who are not just students but lifelong learners equipped for success in an ever-evolving world.

Our Vision

At the core of our philosophy is the vision to inspire excellence and innovation. We aspire to illuminate minds, shaping individuals who contribute meaningfully to society and the global community.

Our Mission

Empowering through education is our mission. We strive to provide a transformative learning experience that goes beyond the traditional boundaries of education. Our goal is to instill a passion for learning, critical thinking, and a sense of responsibility in each student.

Chairman's Message

Founder & Chairman

Today, in a world where society is increasingly fragmented and polarized, The Asian School remains a community where honesty and integrity matter, humor and hard work are equally important values, and where the process of education is as important as the grade of achievement. We provide a unique educational experience for children from kindergarten to Grade 12 by devoting all of our efforts to our strong mission, philosophy, and culture on a daily basis. As you will realize from going through this website, our goal is to provide our diverse student body with exceptional education, instilling in young people a love of learning, the ability to think independently, and the confidence to pursue their dreams and goals. Our students, as twenty first century learners, are constantly encouraged to become good global citizens with a strong commitment to their fellow beings as well as their environment. Central to our efforts to build a dynamic community is our dedicated faculty. Intensely devoted to the success of their students, our faculty strives to embrace different roles such as those of teachers, coaches, advisors, mentors and friends. In each aspect of school life, they endeavor to challenge and inspire students to reach new levels of enquiry and understanding. As you look through the following pages, it is easy to envision your child in this environment, where we emphasize the important qualities of integrity, honesty, creativity, imagination, perseverance, respect, and self-discipline. Plato said, “The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life.” It is a matter of great pride for me that The PVB students are empowered to connect with their environment, to appreciate their heritage, to transform themselves, and ultimately, the world.


Creating A Community Of Life Long Learners.

Testimonial from Parent

“Enrolling my child at Purna Vidya Bhavan was the best decision. The nurturing environment, dedicated teachers, and comprehensive curriculum have transformed my child into a confident and well-rounded individual. I am grateful for the school's commitment to excellence.

Testimonial from High School Graduate

“Purna Vidya Bhavan has been my second home. The supportive community, challenging academics, and extracurricular opportunities have prepared me for the real world. The teachers here go beyond academics, guiding us towards success and personal growth. Proud to be a PVBer!.

Testimonial from Alumini

“Purna Vidya Bhavan laid the foundation for my success. The school not only provided a stellar education but also instilled values that shaped my character. The holistic approach to learning and the encouragement to dream big were instrumental in my journey to becoming a successful professional.

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